Results for 'P. I. Simush'

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  1.  21
    Differences Between town and Country in Light of the Development of the Socialist Way of Life.P. I. Simush - 1975 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 14 (3):44-66.
    The problem of overcoming the significant social differences between town and country is primarily a problem of socialist transformation of the village, a problem of raising various aspects of rural life to urban standards, whether this pertains to improving the basis of production in materials and equipment, the forms of property, the gradual transformation of agricultural into industrial labor, elevation of the level of organization of rural work forces and voluntary organizations and of the level of people's education and culture, (...)
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  2. Sochinenīi︠a︡ i pisʹma P. I︠A︡.P. I︠A︡ Chaadaev - 1913 - Edited by M. O. Gershenzon.
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  3. Pëtr I︠A︡kovlevich Chaadaev: filosofskoe i publit︠s︡isticheskoe nasledie.P. I︠A︡ Chaadaev - 2008 - Moskva: Russkiĭ mir. Edited by Boris Tarasov.
    Filosofskoe i publit︠s︡isticheskoe nasledie -- Iz pisem -- Slovo sovremennikov o Chaadaeve -- Slovo potomkov.
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  4. Dobro i zlo.P. I. Bokarev - 1962
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  5. Statʹi i pisʹma.P. I︠A︡ Chaadaev - 1987 - Moskva: "Sovremennik".
  6. Drug, tovarishch i brat.P. I. Bokarev - 1962
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  7. Idei V. I. Lenina o gumanizme sot︠s︡ialisticheskoĭ revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii i sovremennostʹ.P. I. Bokarev - 1975
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  8. Fenomenologii︠a︡ i metafizika: kritika na "Pŭrvata filosofii︠a︡" na Maks Sheler.P. I. Gradinarov - 1987 - Sofii︠a︡: Izd-vo Nauka i izkustvo.
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  9. Kritika filosofii M. Bakunina i sovremennostʹ.P. I. Moiseev - 1981 - Irkutsk: Vostochno-Sibirskoe knizhnoe izd-vo.
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    Mezhdu "ezhami" i "lisami": Zametki ob istorikakh.P. I︠U︡ Uvarov - 2015 - Moskva: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie.
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  11. Dialektika opredelennosti i neopredelnnosti.P. I. Vizir - 1976 - Edited by A. D. Ursul.
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    Sootnoshenie filosofskogo i obshchenauchnogo urovneĭ znanii︠a︡: voprosy filosofii.P. I. Vizir (ed.) - 1988 - Kishinev: "Shtiint︠s︡a".
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    Vzaimodeĭstvie sovremennykh sot︠s︡ialʹno-filosofskikh kulʹtur Rossii i SShA: komparativnyĭ analiz.Ė. P. Pʹi︠a︡nzin - 2007 - Saransk: Mordovskiĭ gos. universitet.
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  14. Mistitsizm kontsa deviatnadtsatago vieka v ego otnoshenīi k khristianskoĭ religīi i filosofīi.P. I︠A︡ Svetlov - 1897 - S.-Peterburg: Izd. I. L. Tuzova.
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    Ocherk razvitii︠a︡ progressivnoĭ filosofskoĭ i obshchestvenno-politicheskoĭ mysli v Latvii.P. I. Valeskaln & Latvijas Zinatnu Akademija - 1967 - Riga,: Zinatne.
  16.  26
    Decoration Plateau borders in two-dimensional liquid foams: geometry and excess energy.P. I. C. Teixeira * & M. A. Fortes - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (12):1303-1322.
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    On the Tasks of the Contemporary Philosophy of Law.P. I. Novgorodtsev - 1994 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 33 (3):43-48.
    Gentlemen! Let me take advantage of the hospitality of Petersburg University to appear here in a setting that is new to me, in front of a new audience, in order to state and defend the principles that for many years now I have been reiterating from my own rostrum and in my own writings.
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  18. Gumanizm Velikoĭ Oki︠a︡brʹskoĭ sot︠s︡ialisticheskoĭ revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii.P. I. Bokarev - 1987 - Moskva: "Vysshai︠a︡ shkola".
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    Tableaux variants of some modal and relevant systems.P. I. Bystrov - 1988 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 17 (3/4):92-98.
    The tableaux-constructions have a number of properties which advantageously distinguish them from equivalent axiomatic systems . The proofs in the form of tableaux-constructions have a full accordance with semantic interpretation and subformula property in the sense of Gentzen’s Hauptsatz. Method of tatleaux-construction gives a good substitute of Gentzen’s methods and thus opens a good perspective for the investigations of theoretical as well as applied aspects of logical calculi. It should be noted that application of tableau method in modal, tense, relevant (...)
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  20. Filosoficheskie pisʹma k dame.P. I︠A︡ Chaadaev - 2000 - Moskva: Zakharov.
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  21. Lettere filosofiche ed altri scritti.P. I︠A︡ Chaadaev - 1976 - Roma: Città nuova.
    Lettere filosofiche.--Apologia d'un pazzo.--Scritti vari.--Corrispondenza.--Lettera di Schelling a Čaadàev.
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  22. Lettere filosofiche.P. I︠A︡ Chaadaev - 1950 - Bari,: G. Laterza. Edited by Angelo Tamborra.
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  23. Lettres philosophiques.P. I︠A︡ Chaadaev - 1970 - Paris,: Librairie des Cinq continents. Edited by P. I︠A︡ Chaadaev & François Rouleau.
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    Philosophical letters.P. I︠A︡ Chaadaev - 1969 - Knoxville,: University of Tennessee Press. Edited by Mary-Barbara Zeldin & P. I︠A︡ Chaadaev.
    Chaadayev's Philosophical Letters and Apology of a Madman unite the religious approach to history, which was later adopted by the Slavophiles, with the search for Western enlightenment, symbolized in the figure of Peter the Great. - Front flap.
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  25. Sochinenii︠a︡.P. I︠A︡ Chaadaev - 1989 - Moskva: Izdatelʹstvo "Pravda". Edited by V. I︠U︡ Proskurina, Vera Milʹchina & A. L. Ospovat.
  26. The major works of Peter Chaadaev.P. I︠A︡ Chaadaev - 1969 - Notre Dame, Ind.,: University of Notre Dame Press. Edited by Raymond T. McNally.
  27. T︠S︡ena vekov.P. I︠A︡ Chaadaev - 1991 - Moskva: "Molodai︠a︡ gvardii︠a︡.
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  28. Œuvres inédites ou rares.P. I︠A︡ Chaadaev - 1990 - Meudon: Bibliothèque slave, Centre d'études russes. Edited by Raymond T. McNally, François Rouleau & Richard Tempest.
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    Igra v sobstvennostʹ: Osnovanii︠a︡ sot︠s︡ialʹnoĭ fiziki.P. I. Dzygivskiĭ - 2016 - Sankt-Peterburg: ALEXANDRIA.
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    O velichii cheloveka.P. I. Dzygivskiĭ - 2018 - Sankt-Peterburg: Alexandria.
    O velichii cheloveka -- Ocherki teorii pola -- Igra v sobstvennostʹ. Osnovanii︠a︡ sot︠s︡ialʹnoĭ fiziki.
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  31. Fenomenologicheskii︠a︡t metod: otkrivaneto na Aza.P. I. Gradinarov - 1996 - Sofii︠a︡: Eurasia Academic Publishers.
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    Phenomenology and Indian epistemology: studies in Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika transcendental logic and atomism.P. I. Gradinarov - 1990 - Delhi: Ajanta Books International.
    Comparative study of the Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika philosophical systems of classical India and phenomenology of modern West.
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    The biotope of Rana computatrix.P. I. M. Johannesma - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (3):440-441.
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  34. Ocherki po istorii logiki v Rossii.P. I. Nikitin (ed.) - 1962
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  35. Problemy idealizma: sbornik stateĭ (Moskva, 1902).P. I. Novgorodtsev & Sergei Nikolaevich Bulgakov (eds.) - 1902 - Moskva: Tri kvadrata.
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    The Idea of Law in the Philosophy of V.S. Solov'ev.P. I. Novgorodtsev - 1994 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 33 (3):49-61.
    Anyone who knows Solov'ev mainly from his mystical speculations and aspirations will of course be surprised to hear that he was a brilliant and outstanding representative of the philosophy of law. One is not immediately able to see how such a supremely real and practical idea as the idea of law [pravo] was able to find a place among his dreams and prophecies. And yet we have all the evidence to affirm that this idea was for him one of the (...)
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    Proportionalists and the Principle of Double Effect: A Review Discussion.P. I. Odozor - 1997 - Christian Bioethics 3 (2):115-130.
    The proportionalist position on the revision of the principle of double effect is now an important feature of moral discourse in contemporary Roman Catholic theological discussion. While its claim to being rooted in the work of Saint Thomas Aquinas is defensible, its view on the universal applicability of proportionate reasoning for determining the moral rightness or wrongness of actions is not without problems in some key areas, such as the distinction between direct and indirect consequences of an action. Indeed, proportionalists (...)
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  38. Fragmenty edinoĭ kartiny mirozdanii︠a︡.V. I. Pʹi︠a︡nov - 1997 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo Bukovskogo. Edited by M. Lisit︠s︡in.
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  39. Chê hsüeh tʻung hsin. Pʻi-Chih, Pai, Fêng & [From Old Catalog] - 1956 - Edited by Pai, Fêng & [From Old Catalog].
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  40. Trialektika: novoe ponimanie mira.P. I︠A︡ Sergienko - 1995 - Pushchino: P.I︠A︡. Sergienko.
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    Trialektika: Svi︠a︡tai︠a︡ Troit︠s︡a kak simvol znanii︠a︡.P. I︠A︡ Sergienko - 1999 - Pushchino: Sergienko P.I︠A︡..
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  42.  26
    Russia's Movement Toward a Market Civilization and the Russian National Character.P. I. Smirnov - 1993 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 31 (4):9-24.
    Since the time of Ivan the Terrible, the history of Russia has been a succession of astonishing flights and falls. The sacrifices made by the Russian narod on the altar of development are so great, and the achievements so incommensurate with the efforts expended, that a number of questions must arise: Why do things happen this way? Why does Russia not develop "normally"? And what is "normal" development? Is it possible for Russia, and under what conditions? What are the causes (...)
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  43. Wundts etik, framställning och granskning..P. I. K. Svensson - 1901 - [Lund,: P. Lindstedts univ.-bokhandel. Edited by Wilhelm Max Wundt.
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  44. Apcerējumi par sabiedriskās un filozofiskās domas attīstību Latvijā: līdz 20. gs. sākumam.P. I. Valeskaln (ed.) - 1976 - Rīga: Zinātne.
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  45. Marksistsko-leninskai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ v Latvii: kratkiĭ ocherk.P. I. Valeskaln - 1984 - Riga: Zinatne.
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    L''me et la Liberté. [REVIEW]P. I. R. - 1961 - Review of Metaphysics 14 (4):727-727.
    In this extremely well-written study, the author interprets man as striving towards the fullness of his personal freedom, which is achieved in the love of God. Werner's intimate familiarity with the history of philosophy and his awareness of the findings of biology and psycho-analysis enable him to develop his theme with rigor and depth. --R. P. I.
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    L'Œuvre de Philosophie. [REVIEW]P. I. R. - 1961 - Review of Metaphysics 14 (4):726-726.
    Piguet attempts to characterize the language which is peculiar to philosophy. He rejects the contentions that the language of philosophy should be assimilated either to art or to science, and opts for a language which will serve to suggest an experience to be re-lived. Though the contrasts are interesting, the distinctions are sometimes forced.--R. P. I.
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  48. Kant i Gegelʹ v ikh uchenīi︠a︡kh o pravi︠e︡ i gosudarstvi︠e︡.P. I. Novgorodt︠s︡ev - 1901 - Moskva,:
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  49. Nauka i vlastʹ.A. P. Ogurt︠s︡ov & B. G. I︠U︡din (eds.) - 1990 - Moskva: Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR, In-t filosofii.
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    Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries British Botanical and Horticultural Literature before 1800. By Blanche Henrey. 3 vols. Pp. xxvi + 290; xvi + 178; xvii + 112. 194 plates. Oxford: Clarendon Press: Oxford University Press, 1975. £70.00. [REVIEW]P. I. Edwards - 1978 - British Journal for the History of Science 11 (1):80-81.
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